新闻来源:国际交流中心    发布时间:2020-09-15 14:36:58    点击率:4108
一、学院简介 天津外国语大学滨海外事学院于2004年经教育部批准设立,从事全日制普通本科教育的独立学院。我院作为一所以外语类专业为主的院校,多年来以提高外语类人才培养质量作为立校之本,始终把推进国际化办学作为自身特色,常年聘请英、日、法、德、韩、俄、西班牙语教师为学生进行教学,以国际化的资源培养国际化的人才,实现国内外优质教育的有效衔接,致力于培养复合型人才。 二、招聘岗位 招聘岗位招聘人数教授课程 英语外教2英语口语、英语语音、英语演讲、英语写作、英美概况、美国文学 日语外教2日语写作、报刊阅读、高级日语、高级视听说、商务口译 法语外教1-2法国文学、法语写作、法语听说、法国报刊   工作地点: 天津外国语大学滨海外事学院(天津市滨海新区大港学府路60号)   工作时间:2021年2月起 三、招聘条件   1. 资历要求:60周岁以下,所教语言为母语,硕士以上学位或学士学位需两年以上教学工作经验;   2. 工作量:每周14--16课时;   3. 身体健康,体检合格; 四、薪资待遇   1、根据学历、职称、教学经验工资为RMB4000-10000元/月。   2、提供配有厨房,卫生间,家具,卧具,电视机,电冰箱,取暖和降温设备的校内住房。   3、享有与我院中国教师同等的医疗待遇。   4、在天津外国语大学滨海外事学院工作满一年的,学院为其支付一张往返机票。   5、免费乘坐往返市内校区和大港校区的学校班车。   6、工作日享用与我院中国教师相同的免费早餐。 五、应聘方式   应聘者将个人简历和推荐信电子版发到联系邮箱,国际交流中心委派专人接洽。   电话:022-63250026   邮箱:bsfa_international@foxmail.com 2021 Spring Semester ForeignTeachers Recruitment   Binhai School of Foreign Affairs of Tianjin Foreign Studies University(TFSU),which was approved by China’s Ministry of Education in March 2004, is a full-time education college. It is situated in the Tianjin Binhai New Area. We employ English, Japanese, French,German, Korean, Russian, Spanish teachers all year round.   Job Vacancy: Job RecruitmentRecruiting NumbersTeaching Courses English teacher2Oral English,English Pronunciation,English Speech、English Writing,Culture of English-Speaking Countries,American Literature Japanese teacher2Japanese Writing,Japanese interpreter Speaking ,Advanced-Janpanese,Newpaper and Report Reading French teacher1-2French literature, French writing, French listening and speaking,French newspaper and reports   Working Address: No.60, Xuefu Rd. Dagang, Binhai New Area, Tianjin, P.R.China   Binhai School of Foreign Affairs of Tianjin Foreign Studies University 300270   Working Time : Since Feb,2021   Requirements:   1. Applicants should be native speakers and under 60 years old. Applicants for the job as a foreign teacher must have a doctor’s or master’s degree or a bachelor’s degree with at least two years teaching experience.   2. Work load is a maximum of 14-16 hours per week.   3. All applicants must be in excellent physical condition and pass the physical fitness test.   Salary :   1.Based on education background, job title, teaching experience, the salary will be RMB4000-10000 yuan / month.   2.BHSFA, TFSU shall provide the native language teacher an apartment on campus furnished with kitchen, bathroom, furniture, bedding, TV, fridge, heating, and air-conditioning.   3.BHSFA, TFSU shall provide the native language teacher with free medical care,the same standard as of our Chinese teachers.   4. BHSFA, TFSU shall pay for the native language teacher a round trip ticket when you complete a full academic year teaching.   5.Free shuttle school bus from the city campus to Dagang campus.   6.Enjoy free working-day breakfast with all our Chinese teachers.   If you are interested in this position, please send the Resume and Cover Letter to the foreign exchange center.   Telephone: 022-63250026   Email: bsfa_international@foxmail.com



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